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How to sign-up for Honorlock support

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Before you begin your assessment, ensure that your space is clear of distractions. Lighting should be sufficient and the environment should be silent. Distractions like cell phone, iPads, or a monitor on a computer can hinder the system's ability of verifying a student's identity. The Honorlock system will flag items that block their face and require students to keep their desk clean. Make sure you have cleared the desk of anything you don't need before starting your assessment. If your room has a lot of unnecessary items, such as a pen, you should clear it before a class or assessment. Instructors might give directions on how to use the restroom before the assessment. Students can also do this if necessary.

Support available round the clock

If you are having technical difficulties with Honorlock's test proctoring system, you can reach their experts via chat, phone or email. Students can also call Honorlock's student support line, (844) 841-LOCK. If you are unable to connect to their support line through chat, you can also download the Honorlock Chrome Extension. After installing the Honorlock Chrome Extension on your browser, you can visit the Chrome Web Store to click the Add Extension button. After the extension has been installed, you will be able take your exam proctored using your Chrome browser.

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Acceptable forms to identify

Students must provide valid identification in order to register for Honorlock support. Students are verified by taking a photo or facial recognition. If the exam is taking place remotely, students may be asked to view their surroundings or provide photo identification. Other acceptable forms or identification may also be required, depending upon the instructor's preferences. Before Honorlock is allowed to be used, the user agreement for Honorlock must also be signed. Students must complete the appropriate boxes to confirm their agreement to the terms and conditions of the data collection agreement.

Data retention period

There are some things to remember when it comes to data security for higher education. Honorlock secures data at rest as well as in transit by encrypting it. It then stores it in an Amazon cloud (AWS) private cloud. This data center complies with U.S. Data Protection Regulations, General Data Protection Regulations, and SOC 2 type 1. Honorlock supports FERPA. So you can rest assured knowing that your student information is safe.

SOC 2 Type 1 audit

Honorlock SOC II Type I audits assess an organization's ability provide service without compromising the integrity or security data. This audit is designed for clients, shareholders and others to see if a company is meeting their service and risk requirements. An Honorlock SOC 2 Type 1 audit includes an evaluation of the organization's security, availability, processing integrity, and confidentiality. Selecting a trusted firm to audit your organization will ensure that it meets its standards. The firm must also have the necessary resources.

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Privacy practices

Honorlock's Student Privacy statement outlines the procedures Honorlock takes to protect student privacy. The statement can be viewed here. The company also has a policy that requires its employees to have a "need to know" basis when handling student data. While the company may not be perfect, it is a far cry from the practices of other universities or online proctoring services. While Honorlock is a great choice for students, it's important to remember that this privacy statement is only a guide.

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What systems are used for elearning?

E-learning can be described as an online learning platform where students can learn via a computer monitor. It allows for interactive activities such quizzes or tests, as well as discussions.

E-learning also offers web-based programs that enable users to access information from the internet through a computer. This program is often referred to simply as "online educational."

What is eLearning all about?

E-learning can be time-consuming and requires effort. You also need to understand how people learn. The learning experience should be designed around what learners want to achieve.

The content should be engaging and pertinent. Learning materials should include visual aids such as images, videos, animations, and interactive elements.

E-learning should be fun and engaging. It should emphasize learner motivation. This includes giving feedback and encouraging learners who work hard to achieve their goals.

Where can e-learning be used?

E-Learning can be a great way to learn for those who are not able to attend face–to-face classes. It is also useful when you want to teach someone else how to do something.

E-Learning is also very popular with businesses because they can use it in their training programs.

E-Learning in schools is growing in popularity because it saves time and money.

What are the key challenges preventing e-learning success?

The main challenge for e-Learning is not technical but cultural. It's all about people and how they interact.

It is important to know what motivates people and how they learn best. Also, we need to find out what makes them feel most comfortable learning online.

We need to find ways to make it as natural and effortless as possible.

How do I pick the best eLearning platform for me?

There are thousands of eLearning platforms available today. Some are free while others are more costly.

Ask yourself some questions when choosing between these options.

  • Do I want to create my own learning materials? You can create your own eLearning courses with a variety of free tools. These include Adobe Captivate (Articulate Storyline), Lectora (iSpring Suite), and Camtasia.
  • Are there eLearning courses that can be purchased pre-packaged? Pre-packaged courses are available from a variety of companies. They cost from $20 to $100 for each course. Mindjet, Edusoft, or Thinkful are some of the most popular.
  • Do I want a combination of both? Many people find that using a combination of company materials and their own material produces the best results.
  • Which option would be best for you? It all depends upon your situation. It all depends on your situation. You may also want to consider buying a pre-designed course once you've gained some experience.


  • Reliability, validity, and descriptive statistics (The Gambia). Empty CellCRAVEMeanSDACBICOEEHABHEHMPEPOPVSESITRAC0.770.635.080.842) in behavioral intention to use e-learning in The Gambia (53%) and the UK (52%), (sciencedirect.com)
  • The UK sample was relatively balanced in terms of gender (56% male) compared to the Gambian group (77% male). (sciencedirect.com)
  • Hedonism incorporates intrinsic motivation, including novelty, challenge, excitement, and pleasure (Schwartz et al., 2012), which is likely to predict user perception of e-learning enjoyment. (sciencedirect.com)
  • Interestingly, students' participation in online training grew by 142% in the past year alone, indicating how quality education and up-to-date teaching pedagogy are preferred by learners and working professionals to upskill across India. (economictimes.indiatimes.com)

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How To

What are some examples e-learning? What are the potential benefits of elearning?

There are many kinds of elearning available.

  1. Distance Learning – A distance learning program is conducted entirely over the internet.
  2. Onsite Training- This is a program where a group of people come together to receive training.
  3. Virtual Classroom - A virtual classroom is a computer-based environment that allows students to communicate with each other, teachers, and even experts via chat rooms, forums, and more.
  4. Webinars- These are live presentations over the internet. These webinars allow you to communicate with your audience in real-time.
  5. Self-Paced Courses - These courses require no instructor and can be completed at your own pace. You can log in to the course at any time that suits you.
  6. Interactive Tutorials: Interactive tutorials help users learn how to complete specific tasks.
  7. Social Media Learning Platforms - Social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter provide a great platform for learning. Students can communicate ideas, ask queries, and get feedback and support from their friends and peers.
  8. Online Forums: Online forums are a great way to discuss subjects related to your study field.
  9. Podcasting – Podcasting involves creating audio files to be downloaded and later listened.
  10. Video Conferencing -- Video conferencing lets two or more people connect virtually.
  11. Mobile Apps are created for tablets and smartphones.
  12. Online Quizzes- These online quizzes make it easy to find out what you know about a topic.
  13. Discussion Boards: These are online communities that allow members to exchange messages and read the messages of others.
  14. Website Content Management System (CMS) – CMSs allow website owners to update their site content easily.
  15. Blogs - Websites that allow users to share comments and opinions are called blogs.
  16. Wikis - Wikis enable multiple users to edit pages at once.
  17. Chat Rooms: Chat rooms are an online area where users can communicate with one another.
  18. Email Lists - Email lists are groups of email addresses where you can send messages.
  19. RSS Feeds: RSS feeds are news aggregators which collect articles from different sources and present them in an easy-to-read format.


How to sign-up for Honorlock support